Dave Lawrence
Dave Lawrence - Author of Mad About Brighton.

Brighton Lewes Train

Brighton Lewes Train

Prices explained

A journey from Oslo to Bucharest through a number of European cities costs €100. A journey from Stockholm to Zurich via many European stations costs €43. Is that realistic? I don't think so. Fortunately, I've put together 2 fictional travel searches by hand which will help explain the different prices you can find when using the Rail Europe website. Rail Europe is a journey planner for Europe. It's a free and interactive service which compares all aspects of different journeys across the continent.

With Rail Europe you can compare fares, calculate the cost of your journey, find train times and book tickets online, Mad About Brighton (madaboutbrighton.co.uk). If you’re trying to get the best price for your rail journey, you’ll need to understand how train fares are calculated. Getting a simple answer is easier said than done, but we’re always on hand to help with insight into how and why fares are calculated as they are. I'm writing to let you know that the price you've been offered for your journey doesn't reflect the true cost.

I've used data from Rail Europe searches to work out how much you should be paying to get a real bargain. If you are looking to take a trip by train in France using French rail operators you can get a good estimate of what you should be paying by entering your route, number of passengers, class and fare type. Rome2rio is here with everything you need to navigate this exciting destination with confidence. There are direct trains from London to Brighton.

Which train companies operate between Brighton and Lewes?

There are four train companies that operate trains between Brighton and Lewes. Which is the best train company depends on a number of factors including how you travel and cost. The distance between Brighton and Lewes is 19 miles, so it's quite a long walk to get there by foot, but if you take a flight, the journey will be over quickly. There are a range of train companies that operates on the route from Brighton to Lewes.

The train company which operates the most daily services on this route is Southern. Southern operates hourly services between Brighton and Lewes, and a journey time of 35 minutes. The quickest train company operating on the route is Southern. It will take around 45 mins to get to Lewes from Brighton by Southern. The fastest train operating the route is Southern (performs faster when traveling shorter distances). Which train companies operate between Brighton and Lewes?.

University open days by train

“University open days” are the period each year when universities let you apply for places. They put on tours, food, and essentially try to get every university applicant to go and have a nice day, and sleep over in their halls of residence if they can. Well, I don’t want to stay at your uni – I just want to get there by train with cheap tickets!. Hello! We at Student Flights are here to help you find the best way you can get to your University open days.

Whether its a quick trip by train or a bit longer flight, we’ve got it covered. Here’s an infographic showing the main universities that are having open day events this autumn and their location – so you know what your options are. Sifting through the hordes of open days that are bombarding your inbox is hard enough, so Brakeaway decided to help. Here is our list of 10 top University Open Days to see this year.

They’re based on quality and how much bang you get for your buck. Our advice: keep the car in the garage, and go by train! . I would like to share my recent experience of going to the University open days by train. I wanted to say something about this as trains are being promoted as one of the best transportation options for students for visiting universities, and I think it is great. From top London universities to the England universities and union open days, find out which train to take from where for the best open day special fares.

1. Are there direct trains from Brighton to Lewes?

Rome2rio also offers up to date schedules, fare prices, popular journey routes, a  trains from Brighton to Lewes  timetable and more! Thanks to our partners for their support. Direct trains from Brighton to Lewes have been found. There are 1 direct trains on the route: 1 day a week . Direct trains from Brighton to Lewes have been found.  Search for your train and book it!. University open day season is coming up and it’s probably best not to drive, but, with a little bit of planning your journey can be enjoyable and cheap.

2. How long is the train journey from Brighton to Lewes?

How long is the train journey from Brighton to Lewes? The average train travel time between Brighton and Lewes is 11 minutes. The quickest train travel time is 8 minutes and the longest train journey time is 25 minutes. Our travel times are based on departure times of trains from each station specifically, so you can always check on the first page or outside the front door of the train station. You should start your journey from Brighton.

 How much does the train cost?  Train fares for the Brighton to Lewes route start at  £5. 05 if booked in advance and are reduced when you book your tickets at least week in advance.  Are there any direct trains between Brighton and Lewes?  Yes, it is possible to travel from Brighton direct to Lewes without having to change. You’re at a party and someone asks “how long is the train journey from Brighton to Lewes?”.

You immediately whip out your phone or laptop and go on Google. So the next time you’re asked this question, you can answer instantly without having to go on Google, even when offline. The Brighton to Lewes train travel time is normally about 11 minutes, whatever time you make the journey. The first train from Brighton to Lewes departs at 03:56 AM , and the last train from Brighton to Lewes departs at 11:44 PM .

The Brighton to Lewes train travel time may be longer than average due to the number of stops the train makes or delays in transit. The duration is normally 11 minutes, whatever time you make the journey. The Brighton to Lewes train travel time is normally about 11 minutes, whatever time you make the journey. You can find out the train times from Brighton to Lewes here:. Southern is the train company that operates on the route from Brighton to Lewes.

3. What are the Brighton to Lewes train times and schedule?

There are direct trains from Brighton to Lewes every day of the week. There are fewer trains on Saturdays and Sundays. The quickest train takes 81 minutes to reach Lewes and departs at 17:39 from Brighton. The longest journey takes 102 minutes and usually departs at 12:44 from Brighton. The earliest direct train to Lewes is usually scheduled to depart Brighton around 05:00 and the last train is around 23:44. At weekends the first train of the day leaves Brighton around 05:10, and the last at 23:44.

You can find more information about the train times on  gosus. com . Brighton to Lewes train times can vary. It depends what time the trains leave Brighton and end destination. For example, if you are travelling from Brighton to Lewes during off-peak hours, your journey could take as long as the whole rush hour period. On weekdays the earliest direct train to Lewes is usually scheduled to depart Brighton around 05:00 and the last train is around 23:44.

When to book Brighton to Lewes train tickets?

If you’re looking for the cheapest train tickets from Brighton to Lewes, I recommend that you start your journey by booking in advance. The reason why I say this is that on some occasions you can find cheap train tickets for Brighton to Lewes when booking from several months in advance. This of course will be very helpful when it comes to budgeting and setting a tight travel budget. There can be a lot of variation in the cost of train tickets from Brighton to Lewes due to the number of train companies that operate the route, and the time and day of travel.

Fares are also regulated, which means they do not always increase by much in order for train operators to make a profit. Therefore, it is generally a good idea to check fares as far in advance as possible. Trains from Brighton to Lewes start running around 6 am, and the last trains are on weekdays. Generally, you can expect an average of 3 trains per hour during the morning weekend. If you are planning to take a train from Brighton to Lewes we suggest allowing for a 1 hour journey time prior to departure.

You can still buy your Brighton to Lewes train tickets in advance, though (without having to pay a booking fee) if you order them online from the Trainline and collect them from one of their collection points up until the day before your journey. The best way to find great deals on Brighton to Lewes train tickets if you’re in the USA, Canada or Mexico and don't live near the railway station is to book online.

This site will help you to find cheap Brighton Lewes train tickets. At weekends the first train of the day leaves Brighton around 05:10, and the last at 23:44. The fastest train from Brighton to Lewes is usually scheduled to take 01:22 with an average journey time of 01:26. The slowest train from Brighton to Lewes leaves at 22:52 and takes an average of 01:32. Have you ever wondered what train companies operate between Brighton and Lewes?.