Dave Lawrence
Dave Lawrence - Author of Mad About Brighton.

Brighton To Lewes

Brighton To Lewes

Brighton to Lewes timetable

Here are the next trains departing from Brighton to Lewes for Saturday 20th Feb 2021. Quelle heure part le train pour Brighton? What time does the train leave from Brighton to Lewes? These times are indicative and subject to change - check your departure time carefully before traveling. You may be able to find a later train at another time by clicking here . There are also bus and tram services from Brighton to Lewes which are popular with local commuters, although these services don't run as frequently.

Here's the next bus and next tram departing from Brighton to Lewes for Saturday 20th Feb 2021, Mad About Brighton (madaboutbrighton.co.uk). There are many ways to travel from Brighton to Lewes, East Sussex. Find full list of stations, departures and arrival times below. Important: this timetable is updated every 1 minute. Stations are listed in order of departure. To check for the next trains departing from Brighton to Lewes at the weekend,  go to the timetable above. The departure times on this page are adjusted for the European summer time and will change as we approach the weekend.

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